Covid Management and my experience

COVID MANAGEMENT Management Be calm, anticipate future and take actions. 1) sample diet plan for covid patients 2) Checks of tests and treatment of covid patients a) For detected Covid Patients, Initial tests if required. Chest XRAY - must. CBC, D-Dimer (checks the blood clots in blood), Ferratin, ESR, CT Thorax if needed. b) BP and Sugar checks if needed. HBA1C for diabetic if needed. c) Tablets for mild patients to prevent virus expansion - HCQs or FabiFlu ( Favifiravir ) d) Critical patients ( Oxygen patients ) - Remedisvir given or not Tests to be done to give Remedisvir -> CBC, RFT, LFT, sr ferritin, D-Dimer, CRP Remedisvir has its own side effects. e) Observe what steroids are being given and for how long. 3) Make sure oxygen saturation is maintained in 94 to 100 with oxygen. > If it is not maintained, make sure patient is shifted to high flow oxygen or ventilator if needed. ...